Saturday, August 31, 2019

Beloved Duncan Murdered Essay

The flow of blood stopped and History recorded a tragic death. King Duncan over the past ten years has proved to be the most trusted noble. He is a good and Godly man, friend to the poor and defender of the downtrodden, but unfortunately he is no more with the people of Scotland. On the grim evening of November 10th, the great King Duncan of Scotland was murdered in his chamber. According to the porter, King Duncan was paying a visit to the castle of his Thane, Lord Macbeth, during the time of his death. The porter further mentioned that Lord Macbeth had arranged a grand feast for the king and his sons during their visit to Macbeth’s castle in celebration of Macbeth’s new titles. After the feast, drunken guests resided to their correct chamber and no disturbances were recorded throughout the night until the following morning when the King was found lying dead in his bed with multiple stab wounds to the chest. The main suspects of this unexpected murder include the King’s two sons as well as his guards. The guards were found the next morning with the murder weapons, along with blood smeared all up and down their body. However, Duncan’s sons fled the scene and are also suspected for the murder of their father. In an interview with Lord Macbeth he stated, early in the morning, two noblemen, Macduff and Lennox were called to the castle to visit King Duncan, but when they entered their king’s chamber they exclaimed â€Å"o horror, horror, horror!† Macbeth also stated, â€Å"before the investigators could examine the scene, the chamberlains were killed as a punishment for committing this gruesome deed.† Macbeth was very upset throughout the duration of the interview. He expressed his distress and great loss by showing his love and affection for the King and said he will do everything in his power to find the killer and punish him. An interview with two Scottish nobleman was also held follow the murder of King Duncan. During his interview, Lennox commented on what a terrible  night it had been. He said the wind had blown chimneys down and described how it howled so terribly, but unfortunately refrained from further questioning about the murder to uphold the family’s wishes for privacy. Macduff however agreed to answer more questions. Macduff stated during his interview, â€Å"It is speculated that the king’s sons had bribed the guards to kill Duncan because the crown passes to the nearest eligible kin.† After hearing the news of their father’s murder, King Duncan’s son’s, Malcolm and Donalbain, fearing their lives, fled Scotland. It appears to the people of Scotland that the son’s hasty departure makes them prime suspects of the crime. King Duncan’s body was removed from Macbeth’s chamber in order for burial preparations. The King’s remains will be buried in the king’s burial grounds in Scotland. Once news of the murder was released to the public, the people of Scotland began mourning for their beloved king and immediately began focusing all efforts on uncovering who committed this foul deed. Unfortunately, this tragic murder remains unsolved. Investigations will continue until this mystery is solved. Townspeople are encouraged to come forward with any and all information that may lead to solving of this crime.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Relationship Between Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour Essay

Relationships can be explained by both sexual selection and the human reproductive system; however they both differ from each other. Sexual selection explains how evolution is driven by competitions for mating and to ensure the characteristics that are chose allow the reproduction to be a success. The human reproductive behaviour explains the strategies that both males and females take on. Sexual selection has two types, Intra-sexual selection and Inter- sexual selection. Intra-sexual selection is men competing towards each other for females. This allowed men to evolve into bigger, stronger males with more manly characteristics. Inter-sexual selection involves females choosing their males. They seek partners who can provide them with resources such as a home and wealth as well as protection. Due to the two types of selection, both male and females have evolved leading to better characteristics. Evolutionary theory states that body symmetry and symmetrical faces are desired characteristics, Cartwright (2000) found that women who have symmetrical breasts are more fertile than those with asymmetrical breasts. This supports the idea that body symmetry indicates reproductive fitness which leads to evolved characteristics, and allows women to have high self-esteem. Furthermore, other than symmetrical body and face structures males use physical attractiveness to judge how fit a female is to reproduce. Men look of more attractive females however females look for men who can provide good state of wealth. This is due to men only looking for the characteristics of reproduction and successive care of children from females. Although men and women both look into different characteristic, females are choosier since they have a larger investment and therefore more to lose. However, the study cannot be supported since a disadvantage of this study is that female may alter the appearance in order to seem young and fertile, while men may also lie and exaggerate on the amount of resources they have in order to get females to mate. Buss conducted a study testing participants from 37 cultures, finding that men like young, attractive females while females prefer men who are rich, ambitious and industrious. A criticism of this study is that it was conducted via a questionnaire. The problem with questionnaires is that individuals may lie or exaggerate about their mate preference in order to fit with the norm of satisfy social desirability. The female handicap hypothesis states that females choose male with handicap features such as smoking, drugs etc. This is because the find men are more superior and show a sign of genetic fitness. Grammer and Thornhill (1994) found that females choose men with masculine features which suppress the immune system since only the healthy mates can produce masculine features. The research doesn’t support the theory since it shows that women do care about features rather than only if they have genetic fitness. The features allow females to generate an investment in anosogamy which leads to their ‘sexy son hypotheses, since they sexually select the genes. One of the many male strategies for mating success includes size. Since males selective females that are the most reproductively fittest, they evolve to be biggest and show strength of success in competition against other males for females. The evolutionary theory supports this strategy as it states the men do evolve do to characteristics gained from previous reproduction. This indicates that the characteristics must have been gained from successive male and female reproduction. The evolutionary theory as a whole has a lot of faults. Deviant activities such as rape and forced sexual activities also cause a success in reproduction, however this doesn’t mean that the reproduction must of occurred due to the male and female strategies nor does it suggest that individuals choose who they mate with. The theory is also a educationalist as it ignores other factors such as cultural influences on why reproductive success occurs.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Airport and Aviation Security Annotated Bibliography

Airport and Aviation Security The paper "Airport and Aviation Security" is a delightful example of an annotated bibliography on social science. Abrahamsen, R., Williams, M. C. (2009). Security beyond the state: Global security assemblages in international politics. International Political Sociology, 3(1), 1-17.The book provides an in-depth analysis of global security privatization. It analyses global governance in relation to security in private companies. The books put forth theories examining state authorities and the private e-commerce sectors and how this impacts global security. The book content is very current and politically inclined. The information can be relied on as credible and useful.Adey, P. (2009). Facing airport security: affect, biopolitics, and the preemptive securitization of the mobile body. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 27(2), 274-295.The book preemptively narrates the openings that airports provide to global security or insecurity. The book cross examines why airports are i nsecurity targets. The book also provides a peek into the future of airport security on several dimensions. The book is current and very useful in providing credible discourse in upgrading airport security mechanisms.Elias, B. (2009). Airport and aviation security: US policy and strategy in the age of global terrorism. CRC Press.The books explore the challenges that current airport security strategies are facing. The measures put forth by security protocols and why they do not effectively counter insecurity. There is wide coverage of the imbalance between air commerce whenever global security measures are enforced. The authors perspective is absolutely convincing as they relate with the most recent al-Qaida attacks. More than this, the book is recently published and has been referenced a lot meaning it is credible and the information reliable.Frederickson, H. G., LaPorte, T. R. (2002). Airport security, high reliability, and the problem of rationality. Public Administration Review, 62(s1), 33-43.The article appeals to the aspects of the reliability of airport security operations. The author explores a myriad of efforts to ensure enforced airport security standards to bear fruit in global security. The article further provides an overview of the information needed to implement the high standards of security. The author being a public administrator provides the administrative view where the airline sector is to charge for the responsibility of global security. The public administration theories are more accurate and relevant in the application.Heng, Y. K., McDonagh, K. (2009). Risk, Global Governance and Security: The Other War on Terror. Routledge. The book provides a multilateral view of global security cutting across the militaristic forces, the rhetorical war on terror and emerging issues in global security. With the incessant explosion of terrorism, the book covers strategic ways to end the insecurity. The book exhaustively discusses anti-terror initiativ es and the modes of implementation exploring their effectiveness. The information as presented is credible. The author has vast knowledge in international relations from his long lecturing career in many universities. The authors reference to theories of risk and key concepts adds credibility that makes the knowledge very useful. Kibaroğlu, M., Kibaroğlu, A., Halman, T. S. (2009). Global security watch--Turkey: A reference handbook. Westport, Conn: Praeger Security International. The book examines Turkeys reaction to foreign policies and decisions. It also explains how the private sector has boosted the state of global airline safety. The book provides a conceptual framework for the role that airport security plays in global security by demonstrating the state of Turkish airports. Other than been current the information is practically drawn making this credible source. McCarley, J. S., Kramer, A. F., Wickens, C. D., Vidoni, E. D., Boot, W. R. (2004). Visual skills in air port-security screening. Psychological Science, 15(5), 302-306. The journal is based on an experimental check on the tools employed in airport security. The experiment purely is used to reveal how the travels and screening tools can contribute to global insecurity. Moreover, the journal uncovers the need to upgrade airport security screening tools. This information is credible and having been conducted scientifically, it is highly accurate and reliable. Sparke, M. B. (2006). A neoliberal nexus: Economy, security and the biopolitics of citizenship on the border. Political Geography, 25(2), 151-180. The book identifies the ways in which airport security is has failed. It examines the inadequate security designs that airports employ. The role that bodies such as the Transport Security Administration and Homeland security play are discussed. This is a very recent publication, therefore, gives a current view. The author is a diplomat and a keen analysis of security matters. This informat ion is fairly credible and accurate when related to the current state of affairs.Sweet, K. (2008). Aviation and airport security: terrorism and safety concerns. CRC Press. The descriptive analysis of biometrics, predictive analysis and dataveillance in the book scrutinized the role of airport security on state borders. The book relates technology, the airport travels and global security on many levels. The text is also particular in technological techniques through which airport security enhances global security. The content is relatively recent, credible and accurate technologically and other senses.TYLER, S. T. A. C. E. Y. L. (2017). AIRPORT SECURITY: Passenger screening and governance post-9/11. S.l.: ROSEDOG PR. This book narrates the tenets of airlines exploring their operations, economic impacts and political roles. It addresses the challenges faced, global security being a major threat. The book also provides great insight into the age of terrorism and its impact on airports. The author writes on account of their first-hand experience from their experience working in the Turkish embassy. This authors active involvement in business security has enabled her to argue substantially on the subject making credible and reliable arguments.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Car wash business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Car wash business - Essay Example Washologywill is offering clients with two services: car washing and car coating. There are several cash wash services located in Bangkok that will provide direct competition to the company. However, in the location, there are no predominant cash wash businesses, which may satisfy as well as completely dominate in this type of business(Blackwell 2011). The competitors, which will pose direct competition to the business in Bangkok, will be G2C Glass Coating Club as well as CTS Crystal Sealed. However, this will not be a big threat to Washologybecause they will offer premium car wash services currently not offered in Bangkok. Most of the car wash companies are trying to compete based on price alone. Washologys' capacity to offer a premium service, both in line with the authentic car wash and customer service is all founded on their capability to find the best staff. Recruiting the best staff is cost-effective since it lowers human resource costs linked with turnover and other worker co sts. In addition, recruiting the best staff and ensuring that are well articulated makes sure that they offer high-quality services to the clients hence customer satisfaction. This will entail providing the excellent working environment. Study after study confirms that a happy worker is far more probable to offer the utmost level of customer service compared to a worker who is unhappy as well as feels that they are being exploited by the company. Furthermore, there will be indirect competitors in Thailand.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Organizational structure and design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organizational structure and design - Essay Example Organizational structure refers to the division of labor and the methods of coordination, communication, work flow, and power-sharing that exist in an organization. It is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization. An organizational structure reflects the organization's culture and power relationships. Organizational design is the process of creating and modifying organizational structures. Organizational structures are frequently used as tools for change. Structures establish new communication patterns and align employee behavior with the corporate vision. The two fundamental processes or ingredients in organizational structure:Coordination: When groups divide work among themselves, it is required to co-ordinate their efforts towards the same objectives. Coordination is achieved through various mechanisms like informal communication, formal hierarchy and standardization.Span of control refers to the number of employees who can be effectively and efficiently managed by a s upervisor. The span of control has an inverse relationship to the number of layers of hierarchy. The presence of informal communication and standardization can widen the span of control by reducing the need for direct supervision. A wider span of control is ideal when employees perform similar tasks or when the work teams are self-directed and possess specialized knowledge. It helps in reducing overhead costs and puts the top management in direct contact with the needs of the customers. Larger organizations that depend on hierarchy for coordination develop taller structures. 2) CentralizationCentralization is the concentration of decision-making activities around a particular location, generally the top management. In a small organization, the founder takes most of the decisions himself but as the organization grows, organizations tend to become decentralized and decision-making authority is spread throughout the organization. 3) Formalization Formalization is the degree to which jobs within an organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behaviour is guided by rules and procedures. A low degree of formalization means that there are fewer restrictions on how employees do their work. Formalization exists in old companies and large organizations, and is encouraged by external influences like government safety regulations and strict accounting practices. Formalization increases efficiency but may reduce organizational flexibility in case of a non-routine situation which requires customized action. Mechanistic and organic structures McDonald's has a mechanistic structure, which means that it has a rigid and tightly controlled structure, and is characterized by a narrow span of control and high degree of formalization and centralization, and hence all tasks are well defined and can only be altered with the permission of the top management. A company with an organic structure is highly flexible and adaptive, which is characterized by a wide span of control, decentralized decision making, little formalization and an open communication network. An organic organization has a fluid team-based structure, in which the tasks vary according to the needs of the situation. Thus, a mechanist structure is only suitable in stable environments with routine tasks. 4) Departmentalization Departmentalization, also called the organizational chart, specifies how employees and their activities are grouped together. Hence, it is the process of grouping activities into departments. Division of labour creates specialists who need coordination. This coordination is facilitated by departmentalization. There are five types of departmentalizati

Monday, August 26, 2019

Organization Behaviour and Leadership Development Scenarios Essay

Organization Behaviour and Leadership Development Scenarios - Essay Example Scenario two setting involved unifying two competing junior employees i.e. Rosa and oli by finding common and unifying ideas, hence unifying them is of great importance in meeting the company objectives. The objective of this scenario was to get oli and Rosa to agree on maintaining customer retention in the call center at 65 % and also getting everyone to agree on using automated phone system. The steps I took to resolve this scenario were, actively listening to oli and Rosa, encouraging oli and Rosa to communicate to help reach an effective agreement, through asserting my leadership power toward ending the squabbles between them. Using work strategies tactics of constantly reminding them the goal of the organization in addition to using tension strategies where I introduced relaxing ideas that aimed to eliminate tension created by oli and Rosa The key learning point that emerged from this scenario was that tension in at workplace can lead to little work being accomplished, it is of great paramount to stay neutral where employee friction is involved in order to help them out, through focusing on goals of organization and constant reminder help people to work harmoniously, effective communication within organization facilitate dialogue that helps to resolve dialogue between employees and creating a kind of numeration system that helps employers to cooperate and work together.Supporting theory and academic insight for this scenario can be derived from democratic leadership.... ning to oli and Rosa, encouraging oli and Rosa to communicate to help reach an effective agreement, through asserting my leadership power toward ending the squabbles between them. Using work strategies tactics of constantly reminding them the goal of the organization in addition of using tension strategies where I introduced relaxing ideas that aimed to eliminate tension created by oli and Rosa The key learning point that emerged from this scenario was that tension in at work place can lead to little work being accomplished, it is of great paramount to stay neutral where employee friction is involved in order to help them out, through focusing on goals of organization and constant reminder help people to work harmoniously, effective communication within organization facilitate dialogue that help to resolve dialogue between employees and creating a kind of numeration system that help employee to cooperate and work together to achieve set goals in addition to engagement in team buildin g exercises. Supporting theory and academic insight for this scenario can be derive from democratic leadership , which is characterized by emphasizes in group participation , where decision and discussion are encouraged by leaders hence giving team member a voice in decision making (Goleman, 2000). Democratic leadership style builds flexibility and responsibility in an organization which in turn help in generating new ideas. . (Goleman, 2000).Through listening to team members in an organization which is encouraged by democratic leadership, leaders learn to resolve dispute between employees and in decision making. (Goleman, 2000). Third Scenario The third scenario set up was learning to manage up, where it is critical important for a leader to mange his juniors but at the same time have

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Malcolm knowles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Malcolm knowles - Assignment Example In one of his books, Platon’s Educational Ideas, Kapp highlights the necessity for lifelong learning. Kapp argues that education, educating the character and self reflection of the character are the first essentials in human life. He analyzes the education of an individual and combines the inner personality character and the outer objective competencies, deriving a conclusion that learning occurs not only through teachers but also through life experiences and self reflection. Later in 1920’s, the theory found its roots through a group of scholars from Germany. Their idea was sophisticated and theory-oriented and was not extensively shared thus it was forgotten. The 1950’s saw the emergence of publication of Andragogy in Germany, Netherlands, Yugoslavia and Switzerland. The application of the theory was still known to insiders. The theory gained global recognition in 1960’s by the influence of Malcolm Knowles. Knowles published this theory in 1968 under the title â€Å"Andragogy, not Pedagogy†. The theory became widely known and was applied majorly for adult education (Melick, Richard & Shera 112). The andragogic model as formulated by Knowles highlights five issues that need to be considered and addressed by formal educators. First, the learning candidate should be informed of the importance of learning and why. This assumption (or principle) does not emphasize on the reasons why the students/ learners are in the classroom but rather on the importance of each item they are taught when in the classroom. Secondly, the learners should be shown how to guide and direct themselves through information. This includes respecting the learning styles of the candidates. There are generally three learning styles; visual, kinetic and auditory. Visual learners rely mostly on pictures. They understand the education topic much better by use of illustrations, graphs and diagrams and adapt

Definition of the words Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Definition of the words - Assignment Example The Painting is part of Church in Convent of Santa Maria in Milan (Ladwein, 13). It has an historic precedence to the times of Jesus Christ, exactly on the evening where Jesus along with his followers shared a dinner. Stage: Stage is that part of the theater where the actors perform their roles. Stage can be arranged and organized in multiple ways, with curtain covering the backend unit. Stage is mounted part of theater that is visible from all angles of the theater. Semiotics: Semiotics/ Semiology is a theory, and philosophy related to the study of signs and signals. In art it is the deciphering of the message from the silent image that may not be clearly evident and comprehendible to the ordinary observation. It is the study of art and architecture in form of the signals and signs interpretation. Fresco: A specialized form of painting that is performed over the fresh plaster. It is associated with the mural form of painting. Water colors are used over the wet plaster which later on dries up to hold their shape and design. Perspective: A technique in drawing and design, in which multiple parallel lines are shown to converge. It embodies the 2-D image on a 2-D frame . Linear and aerial perspectives are two predominant patterns used in this regard. The pioneers of this art are Leon Baptista Alberti and Filippo

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Ronald Reagans Policy Towards The Soviet Union Research Paper

Ronald Reagans Policy Towards The Soviet Union - Research Paper Example Regarding the United States’ confrontation against the communist expansion, the Reagan Government’s role was of more of strategic than of ‘muscular’, an adjective that easily could characterize a major part of the US policy towards the USSR during the earlier US presidencies. Indeed military enforcement served as a part of Reagan’s Doctrine, but not the whole of it. Either being compelled by the contemporary socio-economic condition of the country or learning the best part of the lesson from the history of the United States’ military involvement in the Vietnam War and Korean War Reagan chose an effective strategic course of being diplomatic and tactical, meanwhile keeping the United States’ superior military image intact. Controversy about Reagan’s Leftist Trend Indeed the ‘simplistic’, ‘sectarian’, ‘dangerous’, and even ‘primitive’, as Anthony Lewis a columnist of The New York Times once called, Reagan also earned the title â€Å"the communist in disguise† because of his strategic approach to Communism (Schweizer, 1994, p. 47). D’Souza (2003) notes, â€Å"Reagan had a much more sophisticated understanding of communism than either the hawks or the doves†. ... Reagan was the President of the Screen Actors’ Guild and was commonly known as â€Å"Red Ronnie.† (p. 3). Necessarily his comprehensible knowledge of the nature of communism and the lessons learned from the United States’ involvement in the Cold War during his predecessors shaped the main line of policy towards the communist Soviet Union. That is, the main line of his policy towards the USSR was to confront, to contain, to roll back Soviet blocks and finally to let the â€Å"evil empire† under its own weight while saving and restoring the country’s military superiority intact. Necessarily such stance was reflected in Reagan’s policy towards the Soviet Union. Being resolute to reinstate the United States’ pride and superiority in the world, he decided that America should be more active and assertive in confronting Communism and in providing active support to the friendly governments. Reagan’s rhetoric and his government’s military expenditure policies were directed to support this goal. Yet ultimately his foreign policy towards the USSR –though seemed to be more belligerent than that of the two earlier presidents- was â€Å"considerably more cautious than his sometimes bellicose statements suggested† (Profiles of US Presidents, n.d.). Reagan’s Dual Approaches to Communism and Reagan Doctrine Reagan’s policy towards the Soviet Union can significantly be marked as a dual approach in the sense that on one hand Reagan’s administration chose to provide both overt and covert support to anti-communist communities and guerrilla movements in order to â€Å"roll back† â€Å"Soviet-backed communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America†.

Friday, August 23, 2019

War Songs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

War Songs - Essay Example War Songs The modern society just like the ancient society used music to express to warm, teach, praise, and console the society. War is like a double aged sword that cut with both edges. In the same way, war has devastating effects to the parties involved in it. Though war may be necessary in the society, it is always wise to choose peace. With this understanding, this paper explores the effects of war in the society. Quest for political supremacy is a major factor that contributes to war in the world. Political wings, which crave for power, may sometimes fail to identify the need for peace, thus instigating war in the society. In many cases, war has many negative impacts to the world than positive impacts. War has psychological, physical, economical, and social effects to the society. War period is a difficult time for the soldiers and the civilians. People abandon their normal activities and search for peaceful environment. Children and women usually face the worst time in their lives during war because they are weak. Running from one battleground to the other would be difficult for women and children. When mothers and children flee from war torn regions, the males would be walking into the battlefield. I oppose war because of effects it has to the community. These effects include destruction of property and life. War is a destroyer of human efforts. Many social norms advocate for human rights, but war destroys human life. Bob Dylan song, With God On Our Side, portrays how quest for power can lead to war.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Designing a Safer Passenger Aircraft Essay Example for Free

Designing a Safer Passenger Aircraft Essay Aircrafts have become more advanced and fast, but they are drastically affected by ignorance and design incapability. However these structures can fly with more than 200 passengers and heavy cargo, but when they crash, they take away with them many lives and damage valuable property. To prevent such loses several aviation safety agencies like EASA(European Aviation Safety Agency) and FAA(Federal Aviation Administration) have been functioning. These agencies implement and monitor safety rules for aircrafts. They also certify and approve organizations involved in the design, manufacture and maintenance of aeronautical products. Safety of an aircraft depends on every smallest possible detail of it. For designing a safer passenger aircraft a lot of investigation has to be done on flight failures, to prevent such failures. There are four main aspects considered while designing an aircraft: Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Structures and materials, Stability and control. An overview on the design of a fixed wing aircraft: The structure of an aircraft is configured as follows: A fuselage is a long cylindrical body with tapered ends to make its shape aerodynamically smooth. Fuselage carries flight crew, passengers, payload, fuel and engine. Fuselage also holds a large wing which provides sufficient lifting force to the aircraft due to the shape of its cross section (aerofoil). This large wing has ailerons to control rolling motion. The vertical stabilizers present at the rear end of the aircraft, stabilizes the yaw motion and horizontal stabilizers stabilizes the pitch. Elevators are mounted to the horizontal stabilizers and it controls the pitch of the aircraft. Engines provide the trust required for the aircraft. The landing gear is a set of wheels that supports the plane on ground. Control system of an aircraft: Yoke controls the pitch and roll motion of an aircraft. Rudder pedals control the rudder and thus it controls the motion about the yaw axis. Throttle lever controls the thrust produces by each engine and brakes slow or stop the airplane on ground. There are controls for flaps and spoilers. A tiller is used to steer the plane on ground. An automatic flight management system helps pilot in maintaining altitude or mode of flight. Analysis of investigation reports of some airplane crashes and preventive measures in design: A Pilatus aircraft crashed near Bert Mooney airport in July, 2011 due to loss of control. Investigation reports showed that there was icing within the fuel system causing low fuel pressure state as fuel system icing inhibitor was not added to the fuel before flight. All jet fuels contain trace amounts of water that form crystals and block the fuel system. Icing inhibitors decrease the freezing point to about -40? C preventing water from freezing. Some chemical detector can be introduced that could detect the concentration of icing inhibitors present in the fuel. An alarm can also be added to the electronic system of the aircraft which will remind the pilot of adding icing inhibitors while refueling. Aircrafts flying in cold weather develop icing on wings which greatly impair wings ability to generate sufficient lift. Air Florida flight crashed on take-off in January, 1982 as a result of ice on its wings. Modern airliners are designed to prevent accumulation of ice on wings, engines or tails either by routing heated area towards icing or by using inflatable rubber tubes that expand and break off any accumulated ice. Similar method can be used in the design or the accumulated ice can also be removed by sending small amplitude vibrations to the accumulated area. A Boeing cargo airplane experienced ground fire before engine start-up at San Francisco International airport. Investigation blames the design of the supplemental oxygen system hoses and the lack of positive separation between electrical wiring and electrically conductive oxygen system components. The lack of positive separation allowed a short circuit to breach a combustible oxygen hose, release oxygen, and initiate a fire. This can be taken care of in the design and either separation between the oxygen hoses and wiring can be increased or insulation of wiring can be made more strong. Composite materials used in structure of an aircraft consist of layers of fibers embedded in a resin matrix. These layers separate from each other when subjected to cyclic stress and they lose strength. This failure is not shown on the surface. An amphibian plane suffered a structural failure in Florida. The right wing of the aircraft separated during normal flight due to lack of maintenance. Ultrasound based instrument method is used to detect such failures in designing a safer aircraft. As in Air France Concorde crash case, pilot detected fire very late. Installation of video cameras at critical places can be a preventive measure as pilot will be able to keep a watch on plane if there is no other failure detecting mechanism. During high speed landing or take-off extreme pressure and heat build-up in tyres and in such conditions tyres burst. This is equivalent to explosion of 4-5 dynamites. This could damage the fuel tank or engines and even initiate a fire. Some cooling mechanism within tyres can be used to prevent such conditions of high temperature and pressure. Above safety concerns and all other governing factors can be considered to design a safer passenger aircraft. Apart form these problems foreign object debris, positive lightning, bird strike, volcanic ash can also be taken care of while designing an aircraft. Ground based navigation aids can also be improved by improving GPS systems and some backup modes of communication may help in significant reduction in air crashes due to lack of information and misleading.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Moral Reconciliation Essay Example for Free

Moral Reconciliation Essay From the beginning of the story to the end, Huckleberry Finn’s morals change rather dramatically and the novel focuses largely on this. Forced to reconcile his personal feelings of friendship for an escaped slave (Jim) with what society has told him is right, Huck learns through the course of the story to trust his moral instincts. As the story progresses, we see Huck’s character develop strong morals that eventually lead to his reconciliation. Early in the book, Huck is shown to have a low level of maturity and is very naà ¯ve. He relies more on the opinions of others more so than his own. Huck seems to know the rightful place of a slave, especially growing up in the American South. But this changes, in time, when he meets a runaway slave named Jim on Jackson Island. Huck knows he is defying society by not turning Jim in, but he continues to stay by Jim’s side and feels he can’t betray him as their friendship grows. This is an internal moral struggle for Huck, because he knows to society he is â€Å"wrong,† but to him their friendship made it â€Å"right.† While floating down the Mississippi, Huck and Jim come across a shipwreck. Huck, being the young, curious boy he is wants to explore it. Jim on the other hand is very reluctant to do so, but he feels obliged to follow Huck along anyways because he is a slave and Huck is white. On the wreck the two find a gang of robbers and a tied up man, they decide to leave immediately at this site. Huck and Jim then steal the robbers boat, but Huck feels a little guilty for doing this. So he makes up a story to a ferryboat watchman that his family was on the wreck and they needed help. The watchman showed up on the site just to discover that it sank, and the robbers most likely dead. Compassion is a key part in developing good morality and at this point Huck’s morality is slowly taking shape because he feels compassion for others. During a terrible storm, Huck and Jim are separated. Jim searches for Huck, but he cannot pinpoint him, so he goes to sleep. Huck eventually arrives on the raft to find Jim sleeping. Once Jim woke up Huck told him that the whole storm fiasco was just an elaborate dream he had, but Jim soon discovers he is lying and becomes upset. Seeing this, Huck felt guilty for hurting Jim’s feelings and apologizes. This is a pivotal point in the novel because Huck realizes that he has feelings for this slave. Once again he knows society would see this as â€Å"wrong† and just plain crazy. Huck is having another internal conflict, but feels that his friendship with Jim is morally â€Å"right† contrary to what society would think. Huck’s moral dilemmas are rooted in conflicting systems of morality: that of his upbringing and that of his own natural feelings of friendship for Jim. â€Å"I was paddling off, all in a sweat to tell on him; but when he says this, it seemed to kind of take the tuck all out of me. I went along slow then, and I warnt right down certain whether I was glad I started or whether I warnt. When I was fifty yards off, Jim says: Dah you goes, de ole true Huck; de ony white genlman dat ever kep his promise to ole Jim. Well, I just felt sick. But I says, I GOT to do it – I cant get OUT of it. Right then along comes a skiff with two men in it with guns, and they stopped and I stopped.† This a good example of Huck’s moral conflictions. At the climax of the novel, Huck as an epiphany. When Jim gets turned in by the conmen (the Duke and the King), Huck is devastated. Confused at what to do, Huck writes a letter that is intended for Ms. Watson, the letter reads: Miss Watson, your runaway nigger Jim is down here two mile below Pikesville, and Mr. Phelps has got him and he will give him up for the reward if you send. Huck Finn. After wrestling with his morals and consciousness, Huck makes his most important moral decision yet, when he states: All right, then, Ill GO to hell – and tore it up. He ultimately helped Jim escape. In the end, Huck acted on the highest level of morality regardless of society’s laws and ideas. Early in the story Huck displayed childish traits and a skewed morality because of how he grew up. But Huck changed entirely in his time spent with Jim. When life was forced upon Huck he had to develop and â€Å"grow up† rather fast. He quickly progressed from a naà ¯ve boy to a mature morally correct young man. Most humans strive for the betterment of themselves and society as a whole, and this is what makes Huck’s final reconciliation so compelling.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Transience And Eternity In The Elegy Theology Religion Essay

Transience And Eternity In The Elegy Theology Religion Essay Old English poetry can be divided into two main types: heroic poetry and Christian poetry. Christianity, as the most widely spread religion, is present in most literary works, including some of the heroic poems, although heroic poetry is considered separate from Christian poetry. There are many analogies to Christian themes in the poetry of the Old English period, since religion played a major part in peoples lives at the time. The Seafarer is an Old English poem which was recorded in the Exeter book, or Codex Exoniensis, a collection of Old English poetry, including The Wanderer and The Descent into Hell, which dates back to the tenth century. It is a poem which describes the lonely, full of hardship and suffering life of the seaman. It can be logically divided into two parts. The first is a typical elegy the speaker remembers his dismal life at sea, which he has chosen to the disturbing life on land. He knows he is alone, and he constantly has this internal conflict about choosing the sea to the land. The second part is more moralistic, or didactic. The speaker talks about the transience of wealth and fame on Earth, and how nobody will manage to outwit death and God, no matter how glorious a life they have led. Eventually all people will die, life will end for everyone at a certain point, and no amount of money will help them avoid their fate. In the beginning of the poem the seafarer makes a song about his travels and experiences at sea. He begins grimly with a description of the troublesome times and lonely life while hes sailing. This is a life which common people in the city know nothing about. They are safe on the land while the seaman risks his life at sea. The weather is cold and stormy, the terrible tossing of waves rock the ship, the seaman will soon freeze. He has to endure the fierce storms, the snow and the hail. The beginning of the poem is not only a description of a fierce weather. It is a description of the inner state of mind of the seaman the inner struggles and conflicts he has. He is not homesick, but he realizes he is alone in the sea. His troubles are represented as being caused by the sea, but in reality the sea only represents what is already inside him, in his soul. The seafarer feels grim sorrow at heart. He is unable to feel any pleasure from the surroundings; he does not enjoy it because of the darkness in his soul and heart. There are moments in which he holds life at sea in contempt. Yet there is something which draws him back to the sea. He can choose the safe life on land, at home, where there are his fellow men, possibly his family, and where food and warmth are ensured. However, he feels this constant urge to travel, to go back to the sea. The sea is mysterious it is wide and infinite; it holds many secrets; it offers a different lifestyle it draws one away from everything familiar and safe, and throws them into a new, different world the world of danger, uncertainty, constant change; a world with no boundaries or limits. This is what the seafarer seeks, this is why he constantly returns to the dangerous travels he needs the challenge of the hard life at sea; he needs the struggles either physical or emotional. His journey in the sea is not only a journey on the physical level. It represents the journey which his soul takes on the path to God. He has to go through hardship and struggles; he has to fight with the difficulties which God sends him; he has t o welcome the challenges of the sea as challenges which God sends to test his soul. He is sailing in the sea which suggests that he is going forward. His soul is, symbolically, about to walk the path which leads to God, passing through severe trials. His kinsmen, who live on land, stay where they are, they havent moved from their place not only physically, but figuratively as well their souls have not taken the path to God, but they simply enjoy the transient goods in life while they have them. They live a stable, secure life with no dangers or trials. They strive for the goods and the glory which earthly life offers, and never think of their spirituality and morality. They dont realize that everything on Earth is fleeting and that life as they know it wealthy, glorious and bountiful will only last until their death and not in the afterlife when their souls will meet God. This is a light transition to the second part of the poem which is a moral criticism of the people, especially the rich, who rely on their wealth and glory only. They may lead a sinful life, they may oppress the weaker or the poor people, but their deeds are the only thing which will accompany them in the afterlife, not gold or money, not friends and kinsmen. There is a similar concept in the English morality play Everyman, in which wealth and fellow men abandon Everyman on his journey to death, and only good deeds stay with him until the end. There is the Christian influence, which is present in almost every piece of work in the medieval literature. According to the Christian religion God is the only truly eternal and lasting thing in the Universe. The speaker strongly criticizes the sinful life of common men instead of living a good, honorable and humble life, they only rely on wealth and bounty, and they think these earthly goods will help them or benefit them in some way in the afterlife. They never challenge their souls, and they never even pray to God. The speaker tries to imply that the rich need to change their lifestyle but he realizes that they will not, because they do not understand how their sins and idleness will only harm them later. They dont realize that wealth is transient and they will not be able to take it with them after death. God will not take in mind how powerful a man was on Earth or how much money did he possess, but will only consider his good and brave deeds and his sins. Life in Heaven is eternal and Heaven is a sort of reward for leading a faithful, honorable life. The seafarer claims that earthly happiness will not endure. He mentions that age comes upon him eventually, which suggests that glorious life is only there for some time and then one gradually loses everything they possess, including their vitality, and outer things like their friends and kinsmen. The way one spends their life on Earth determines where they will spend their afterlife. The speaker urges people to think carefully what afterlife they would like to have and then decide what the right path to there is. He tries to explain to them that they will all be equal after death, no matter how wealthy some were and how poor the others were on Earth. Moreover, they all are equal even now in Gods eyes. It does not make a difference to God whether one is rich or poor; whether one is famous or not. What will differentiate them after death is how they led their life, what they did and what their deeds led to. This is the point at which some will be sent to Heaven and others will be sent to Hell. Afterlife will be eternal, that is why people have to think now how they want to spend it. The seaman has given up on all earthly goods and bounty because he has realized that they are not important, they will be lost in time and in the end nothing will remain, only memories of the glorious days and consequences from the deeds, good or bad. The Seafarer is not only a poem about life and death. It concerns transience in life and eternity as a concept mainly in the afterlife. It suggests that life on its own has no other meaning but to praise God and to prove that one is noble enough to go to Heaven. Moreover, life is a test for the soul whether it has to be sent to Heaven or to Hell. Life after death is what really matters, because it will be for eternity, in contrast to life on Earth which lasts only a few decades. The concept of eternity is important for the moral to reach the common people. If the common man does not fear God, or does not at least consider what will happen to him after his death, he will not try to live a better, noble life, but he will only keep in mind his earthly matters, and this will lead him to impious, even ignoble deeds. Thus The Seafarer can be considered a moral poem which teaches man how to live and how to save his soul, so that he deserves afterlife in Heaven.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Recruiting and Retaining Qualified Personnel Essay example -- Work Wor

Recruiting and Retaining Qualified Personnel INTRODUCTION One of the most critical challenges facing public administration is the recruitment and retention of qualified personnel. While the problem of attracting talent into public service is not new, the introduction and rapid expansion of the high technology and Internet industry, the problem has reached crisis proportions. Both the public and private sector have embraced the Information Age with increasing dependence on a skilled and versatile workforce. Private industry responded by developing greater versatility in expanding and contracting their workforce to compliment the strategic requirements and goals of the organization. Public administration did not adequately recognize the changes in private industry that had such a significant impact on the workforce. In the past twenty years the workforce, who had previously expected to spend their career with a single employer, has adjusted to a norm of changing employers several times, (and in many cases changing career paths). This changi ng expectation of the workforce necessitates not only policy changes in public administration, but far better flexibility in hiring, rewarding and retaining methods. The shift to broader based training and advanced skills have changed the expectations of the workforce. Workers are increasingly less content with remaining within a single occupational discipline and have matched the flexibility and agility of their employers. Public administrators have increasingly recognized the need to modify reward and incentive programs placing much greater emphasis on performance than tenure. Private business, with its ability to change and re-focus strategic goals and objec... ...US Department of Defense, Acquisition Managers Recruiting, Hiring and Retention Handbook, â€Å"Hiring†, 15 April 2001. Available from: US Department of Defense, Acquisition Managers Recruiting, Hiring and Retention Handbook, â€Å"Retention†, 15 April 2001. Available from: US Department of Defense, Acquisition Managers Recruiting, Hiring and Retention Handbook, â€Å"The defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA)†, 15 April 2001. Available from: US Department of Defense, Acquisition Managers Recruiting, Hiring and Retention Handbook, â€Å"The DoD Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project (AcqDemo)†, 15 April 2001. Available from:

Metallica :: essays research papers

Metallica Introduction Metallica was a band that that started out in the garage of one of the members when they were in high school. The band went through many changes and tragedies and found solutions for them and somehow remained playing. They started in 1980 as one of the first, if not the first Black/Metal band. Their popularity decreased in 1987 and form there they went on to become really popular later on. Summary Metallica started playing in 1980 and are still a band to this day. They have gone through many changes over the years. The original members of the band were James Hetfeild, Lars Ulrich, Dave McGovney, and Dave Mustain. Hetfeild was the rhythm guitarist and singer. Lars is a very great drummer. McGovney was the original bass player. And Dave Mustain was the original lead guitarist. Lars first began playing at the age of 13 when his grandmother brought him home a cheap set of drums which he pounded in. He was inspiried and began to like music after his father took him to a Deep Purple concert. His family migrated from Denmark to Newport Beach, California in 1980 to find the sunny climate to play tennis. After that he met the band as friends and then began to play. Hetfeild went to Downey East Middle School where he started playing in the auditorium on the stage with friends. Three years later his mother died of cancer. There was a song written in memory of her memory titled "The God that Failed." Then he moved to L.A. where he met the band. Lars knew Kirk but he already had enough guitars in the band. Eventually Dave Mustain was kicked out of the band because he disagreed with everyone. McGovney followed with him. Kirk was already playing with a band called Exodus but quit to join Metallica. And the band acquired bassist Cliff Burton to join. Cliff was in the group when they made their oldest album called Kill em' All. But died in a bus accident on tour. The band was shook up and didn't play in concert for years. Not only did the death of Cliff startle them, but they also had to acquire a new bass player. Jason Newstead was chosen of many other people who tried out for the band. Those people included Les Claypool of the band Primus. Newstead grew up in Niles, Michigan where he and his family raised horses. They moved to Kalamazoo then to L.A. Jason Newstead came from a band named Flotsam and Jetsam named after a chapter in J.R.R.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

D.H. Lawrences The Rocking-Horse Winner Essay -- D.H. Lawrence Rockin

D.H. Lawrence's The Rocking-Horse Winner 'The Rocking-Horse Winner' by D.H. Lawrence is a shockingly disturbing tale of materialism, wealth, and a mother's absent affection for her children. The family in the story is constantly lured by the sweet temptation of sin. Although the story doesn't directly speak about religion, it is obvious that the family is Christian from the references to Christmas (481) and to God (482). In this story, Lawrence depicts several of the most devious sins of mankind according to religious, particularly Christian, doctrine: greed, sexual deviance, and gambling. The theme of sin is subtly interwoven throughout the short tale by the representations and portrayals of these acts, and Lawrence also makes it clear that all of these transgressions inevitably end in devastation. The story opens with a description of the mother, Hester, a woman who ?knew that at the center of her heart was a hard little place that could not feel love, no, not for anybody? (481), not even for her son, Paul, or her two daughters. The most pressing predicament for the family, however, is not Hester?s indifference but ?the grinding sense of the shortage of money? (481), despite the palpable clues that the family is in fact quite wealthy. This problem is so intense that the house itself ?came to be haunted by the unspoken phrase: There must be more money! There must be more money!? (481). The house and its sinister, ever-present whispering serves to represent the sin of greed, or ?an excessive desire to acquire or possess more that what one needs or deserves? ( The nature of greed seems to be that the more one has, the more one wants, and in the case of ?The Rocking-Horse Winn... God is in objection to the various sins portrayed in ?The Rocking-Horse Winner?, but is Lawrence? This story can be interpreted as a sort of warning to potential sinners, of the dangers that await them if they fail to resist such indulgences. Nevertheless, Lawrence is realistic enough to acknowledge the difficulties of such restraint, and admits within the story that sin can often be unstoppable, and can reach even the most devout of worshipers. ?The Rocking-Horse Winner? is a strong message about the nature of greed, the evils of self-gratification, and the dangers of gambling: all three are sinful acts that lead to devastating consequences, such as madness, ruin, and in this most extreme of cases, death. Works Cited: Lawrence, D.H. ?The Rocking-Horse Winner? A Pocketful of Prose: Vintage Short Fiction. E.D. David Madden. Boston: Heinle, 1992. 1-13.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Independent Employer Essay

An independent contractor is the worker whose taxes are not withheld or paid by the employer. Joshua is an independent contractor not an employee. Elements such as behavioral, financial and type of employment relationship will help us in determining who Joshua is. First, the Ark Bark has no full control over what Joshua does. This is evident from the point that he still deals with the other business enterprises as the sales person and even the VP of the company Fred Flood accepts the fact the Joshua makes his own decisions about his work in the company. Schneir and James (1999) view a person whose duties are not controlled by the company as an independent contractor. Dealing with the financial issue, we can vividly see that the business aspects of Joshua’s job are not fully controlled by the Ark Bark. Though, there is a bit of confusion in this area because Ark Bark chipped in to foot the travel expenses, business cards among others. These are just minor expenses. If he was an employee, he could have not incurred the greater business expenses, instead the employer could. The type of employment relationship also confirms that Joshua is an independent contractor. First there is no written contract for the contract between the two parties. Broadhurst Emily holds that, even though one can enter into a contract with the employee even minus a written document, it is mandatory that the person be provided with the staff handbook. Joshua’s claim that he was still winding up with the former companies was illogical for an employee. For one to be an employee, the contract between the employee and the employer is never gradual. Therefore, the fact that he accepted the contract while still holding onto the other jobs indicates that he was an independent contractor, who is not under any obligation of Ark Bark. What the company could do to make Joshua an independent contractor. If the company had an intention of making Joshua an independent contractor, they ought to have laid a better business contract for him. It was the duty of the company to keep to the employment Act of 1963 (passed in 1972 Act). This Act defines employees must be given written evidence on the major issues related to terms of employment, this include the mode of payment. This could have saved the controversies erupting over with the $2,500 was a salary or commission The company could as well fill the form SS-8 (PDF) with IRS to be certain about the work status of Joshua for the purposes of taxation. According to Barry and Jeffrey (1992), the form critically reviews the workers status based on the circumstances of employment. It was unnecessary for the company to provide other services like paying for printed stationery and business cards and travel expenses, when they intended to make him an independent contractor. Doing this creates some confusion since for an independent contractor; the company should not provide any tool of operation for the worker. This kind of confusion is tackled in Philip Inman’s (1999) scheme regarding payment between contractors and the employers. Are there ethical issues in the company’s action? No, there are no ethical issues involved. The way the company is trying to treat the man is unethical, according George Richard’s (1999) opinion on business ethics, even if the contract was made orally, it was better for the business to provide a staff handbook or any other written material indicating the terms of employment. The company breached law of a fair employment contract. Actually, if the intention of the company was to have Joshua as an independent contractor, what was the need of terminating his services when he claimed that he was winding down his links with the former companies? This is ethically unaccepted because it leads to harassment. According to Bowie, Norma (1999), business should not be accompanied with harassment. It is not very clear that why Joshua was terminated. But the obvious reason is due to the poor relationship between him and the company. Broadhurst Emily (2005) argues that such an act is unlawful since the law provides protection against unfair dismissal. Other than terminating his services, the company could have embarked on solving grievances at the work place as described by Broadhurst Emily. This could better their relationship instead. Is there room to alter the relationship? Yes there is room to make things different, but very limited. I say very limited because, Joshua is already out of Ark Bark company. If he was still a worker in the company, the company could simply revise the relationship bit, translate the contract in writing and forward details to the IRS. This could justify whether Joshua is an independent contractor or not. At the same time, I say that there is limited room since there are no legal issues preventing Joshua from re-applying to be an employer of the company. The success or failure of the re-union lies with the two parties.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Negative speech for legalization of divorce Essay

A divorce formally dissolves a legal marriage. While married couples do not possess a constitutional or legal right to divorce, states permit divorces because to do so best serves public policy. To ensure that a particular divorce serves public policy interests, some states require a â€Å"cooling-off period,† which prescribes a time period after legal separation that spouses must bear before they can initiate divorce proceedings. Courts in the United States currently recognize two types of divorces: absolute divorce, known as â€Å"divorce a vinculo matrimonii† and limited divorce, known as â€Å"divorce a menso et thoro†. To obtain an absolute divorce, courts require some type of evidentiary showing of misconduct or wrongdoing on one spouse’s part. An absolute divorce is a judicial termination of a legal marriage. An absolute divorce results in the changing back of both parties’ statuses to single. Limited divorces are typically referred to as separation decrees. Limited divorces result in termination of the right to cohabitate but the court refrains from officially dissolving the marriage and the parties’ statuses remain unchanged. Some states permit conversion divorce. Conversion divorce transforms a legal separation into a legal divorce after both parties have been separated for a statutorily-prescribed period of time. Many states have enacted no-fault divorce statutes. No fault divorce statutes do not require showing spousal misconduct and are a response to outdated divorce statutes that require proof of adultery or some other unsavory act in a court of law by the divorcing party. Nevertheless, even today, not all states have enacted no fault divorce statutes. Instead, the court must only find 1) that the relationship is no longer viable, 2) that irreconcilable differences have caused an irremediable breakdown of the marriage, 3) that discord or conflict of personalities have destroyed the legit ends of the marital relationship and prevents any reasonable possibility of reconciliation, or 4) that the marriage is irretrievably broken. Look to various state laws to determine the divorce law within a particular jurisdiction. The Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act may provide further guidance. PROPERTY DIVISION Following a divorce, the court must divide the property between the spouses. Before legislatures equalized property allocation between both spouses, many divorce statutes substantially favored property allocation to the wage-earning spouse. These statutes greatly disadvantaged women disproportionately because during the 18th, 19th, and early-20th centuries, the participation of women in the workplace was much less than it has become during the latter-half of the 20th century and early part of the 21st century. The statutes failed to account for the contributions of the spouse as homemaker and child-raiser. Modern courts recognize two different types of property during property division proceedings – marital property and separate property. Marital property constitutes any property that the spouses acquire individually or jointly during the course of marriage. Separate property constitutes any property that one spouse purchased and possessed prior to the marriage and that did not substantially change in value during the course of the marriage because of the efforts of one or both spouses. If the separate property-owning spouse trades the property for other property or sells the property, the newly-acquired property or funds in consideration of the sale remain separate property. Modern division of property statutes strive for an equitable division of the marital assets. An equitable division does not necessarily involve an equal division but rather an allocation that comports with fairness and justice after a consideration of the totality of the circumstances. By dividing the assets equitably, a judge endeavors to effect the final separation of the parties and to enable both parties to start their post-marital lives with some degree of financial self-sufficiency. While various jurisdictions permit recognition of different factors, most courts at least recognize the following factors: contribution to the accumulation of marital property, the respective parties’ liabilities, whether one spouse received income-producing property while the other did not, the duration of the marriage, the age and health of the respective parties, the earning capacity and employability of the respective parties, the value of each party’s separate property, the pension and retirement rights of each party, whether one party will receive custodial and child support provisions, the respective contributions of the spouses as a homemaker and as a parent, the tax consequences of the allocations, and whether one spouse’s marital misconduct caused the divorce. Most jurisdictions also give the family court judge broad jurisdiction by providing judges with the right to consider any other just and proper factor. When assigning property, judges cannot trans fer the separate property of one spouse to another spouse without the legislature having previously passed an enabling statute. Whether such an enabling statute exists varies between jurisdictions. Alimony refers to payments from one spouse to the other. A court can order one spouse to pay three different types of alimony – permanent alimony, temporary alimony, and rehabilitative alimony. Permanent alimony requires the payer to continue paying either for the rest of the payer’s life or until the spouse receiving payments remarries. Temporary alimony requires payments over a short interval of time so that the payment recipient can stand alone once again. The period of time covers the length of the property division litigation. Similar to temporary alimony, rehabilitative alimony requires the payer to give the recipient short-term alimony after the property division proceedings have concluded. Rehabilitative alimony endeavors to help a spouse with lesser employability or earning capacity become adjusted to a new post-marital life. Courts allocate alimony with the intention of permitting a spouse to maintain the standard of living to which the spouse has become accustomed. Factors affecting whether the court awards alimony include the marriage’s length, the length of separation before divorce, the parties’ ages, the parties’ respective incomes, the parties’ future financial prospects, the health of the parties, and the parties’ respective faults in causing the marriage’s demise. If a couple had children together while married, a court may require one spouse to pay child support to the spouse with custody, but one should note that alimony and child support differ.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Little Miss Sunshine Theme Essay Essay

An important idea in the film â€Å"Little Miss Sunshine† directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris is the idea that being a winner is more about perseverance and having fun than coming first place and always succeeding. A key character in the film is Richard Hoover, who portrays the development of this idea through his dialogue, costume and camera angles. Initially as defined by Richard, the world is split into only two types of people, â€Å"winners and losers†. Richard’s opening shot shows a middle-aged man orating to an audience, with a large projector behind him showing ‘the 9 steps’. The low angle establishing shots make him look like a man of importance, but ironically, once his speech has ended we realize he is speaking not to a large crowd of people, but a near empty classroom, with only 10 people. While there is a slight feeling of pity it also brings a note of humor to the speech as Richard who was portrayed as the ‘winner’ of the scene is now revealed to be more of a loser. The opening line of the film is â€Å"There are two types of people in this world, winners and losers† indicating to the viewer that the idea of what makes someone a winner will be dominant throughout the film. The statement is also used as a voice-over for the films first scene, where Olive is practicing winning a beauty pageant. Through this the audience quickly connects that Richard’s view of success has greatly influenced his daughter’s, as she practices her ‘winning’ face. The opening scene has been carefully chosen by the Dayton and Faris as a way to communicate to the audience that Richard’s perspective on winners will be a significant theme throughout the film. Richards’s obsession with winning and how he pushes this onto others is again witnessed as he manipulates Olive into not eating ice cream. When the slightly chubby Olive chooses Waffles and ice cream for breakfast, Richard implies that fatty foods and beauty pageants cannot co-exist. His careful choice of words â€Å"Have you ever seen a fat beauty pageant winner? † show him using Olive’s ambitions to dictate her behavior. He knows she cares deeply about this, and takes advantage of it. The Hoovers reaction to Richard is subtle but vital suggesting to the viewer that when people reach this level of obsession with victory it is no longer appropriate. As in this scene, Richard is shown in a close up of his face. However, when Dwayne, Grandpa and Frank try to get Olive to eat ice cream, they are shown with a mid-shot, displaying their cohesion when trying to cheer up Olive. This group shot further enforces Richard’s separation from the group, illustrating how the family is starting to realize that Richard’s attitude is no longer acceptable. The next important scene is were the audience finally sees Richard at his lowest point, and how he has invested so much of his life into the 9 steps that he cant bear to move on. When Richard is confronted with Sheryl screaming â€Å"Fuck the 9 steps Richard†¦I never want to hear the nine steps again! † he realizes that the foundation of his life might all be crap. Richard urgently hunts down Stan, his ex-business partner, but is met with further rejection. Richard is unable to accept that Stan has moved on, replying, â€Å"You mean give up? One set back, you’re ready to quit†. This scene is important for displaying the theme of what makes someone a winner because it fully encompasses the fact that Richard has become so consumed with compartmentalizing the world into winners and loser, he can no longer see the difference between giving up and just moving on. Costume was also used in this scene to fully emphasize the contrast between Stan Grossman (the winner) who wore an expensive suit, and Richard (the loser), who has on trainers, kaki pants and a cheap polo shirt. When Richard’s father dies, we see an important shift towards the idea of participation relating to winners. The directors have chosen this moment for this idea of what makes a winner to take a significant shift as the audience can see that the grief of losing his father causes Richard change his view on success as he learns to appreciate family. Choosing between abiding by the law (remaining with the body at the hospital) or supporting his daughter, makes him realize that coming first doesn’t always make you a winner. â€Å"If there’s one thing my father would have wanted it’s to see Olive perform in the LMS pageant. † This dialogue shows how Richard has developed, realizing that winning is more about determination and taking part, than first place. Winners are now seen as people that â€Å"don’t give up. † He sees that it wasn’t about Olive coming first for Grandpa, it was about her taking part. Finally the family makes it to the pageant but things start to take turn for the worse when Richard sees the rest of the competition. His expression goes from one of pride and excitement to a look of surprise and worry with and his mouth agape as it gradually dawns on him that the whole point of the trip (winning the Pageant) is no longer a reality as the other contestants are obviously much more experienced and competitive. Richard then rushes into the changing rooms to hurriedly tell Sheryl â€Å"I don’t want her to go on†. This shows that he still believes that it is better to avoid being a loser by not participating than to try and have fun with the risk of not winning. Although the audience can tell by Richards ashamed face, and avoidance of eye contact with Sheryl that he is somewhat embarrassed about having this feeling. This attitude is directly contrasted to the advice that Grandpa gave to Olive â€Å"A real loser is someone so afraid of losing that they don’t try at all†. The final scene where we finally see the idea that winning is more about perseverance and having fun than coming first is when Olive performs her dance routine. In this scene Richard finally understands what being a winner is really all about and instead of telling Olive to stop dancing he instead takes part jumping on stage and validating Olives choice to take part by copying her movements, regardless of if they are going to win. This is when he realizes that participating because you enjoy it is also a lot more fun, smiling and laughing as his family takes the stage, skipping in circles and whooping. This final scene fully conveys to the audience the joy and fulfillment you can gain if you leave your inhibitions behind and have fun by following your passions In conclusion an important Idea in Little Miss Sunshine was displayed through the use of Richard, a main character, coupled with various cinematic techniques such as dialogue, camera angles and costume. This helped to show how initially in the Hoover household a winner was someone who always came first and put their goals before everything else, even family. But gradually as the film progressed they came to realize that striving for first place is an unfulfilling goal but being a true winner is someone who has the perseverance to take part and have fun, regardless of how what others say.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


An overdraft is when one has overdrawn at the bank. Meaning there is a negative balance due to spending more than the money that is in the bank. Bank overdraft is a temporary facility whereby a bank customer can withdraw more money than what is actually available in his/her account. Obviously the money doesn’t belong to them but belongs to the bank, so this money will need to be paid back. Normally, paying back is automatically done when money goes into the person’s account.However, a small amount of interest based on the amount overdrawn and the length of time overdrawn is charged, a bank overdraft is also a type of loan which can be used if required to provide additional working capital for a short period of time when there is a cash deficit. An overdraft is particularly useful when one has regular sales and purchases coming out of the account which could result in bad cash flow situations. The best thing to do is to avoid overdrafts entirely.Do this by creating a bud get, keeping an extra cash cushion in your account, managing your checkbook and checking your balance before making a purchase or writing a cheque. The advantage of a bank overdraft is that it is there when you need. It allows you to make essential payments whilst chasing up for your own payments, and helps to maintain cash flow. You only need to borrow what you need at the time. Overdrafts are also easy and quick to arrange, providing a good cash flow backup with the minimum of fuss.The disadvantages of a bank overdrafts is that it carries an interest and fees which is often at much higher rates than loans. This makes them very expensive for long term borrowing. You also face large charges if you go over the agreed overdraft limit. Unless specified in the terms and conditions, the bank can recall the entire overdraft at any time. This may happen if you fail to make other payments, or if you have broken terms and conditions; though sometimes the banks simply change their policies.Ov erdrafts may need to be secured against your business assets, which put them at risk if you cannot meet repayments. Unlike  loans  you can only get an overdraft from the bank where you maintain your current account. In order to get an overdraft elsewhere you need to transfer your  business bank account. Situation: Mr. T applied for an overdraft facility with collateral. He mortgaged his house in order to get an overdraft facility of RM200,000 with an interest of BLR-2. 2% with HSBC Bank (BLR-Base lending rate).RM200,000 is deposited into his account upon the completion of security documentation. Interest is only payable for the amount of money utilized and he is given a tenor of 10 years to repay back. If he does not utilize the RM 200,000, he need not pay any interest to the bank for that month. The bank only calculates interest for the utilized amount only on a daily basis. However, if he doesn’t utilize any money, the bank may impose a service charge. This type of ov erdraft facility is best for businessman.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Workplace Motivation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Workplace Motivation - Case Study Example Mitsubishi Motors is the leading car manufacturer operating on the global scale. During 1990s, the company experienced problems with workers motivation which influenced productivity level and product quality. The main sources of resistance were lack of skills and low morale, low personal commitment and fear of technological changes (Mitsubishi Motors 2007). The corporation has to deal with motivation from the standpoint of the environment, that is, the various kinds of rewards and pressures within which people operate at work. Also, the corporation pays attention to motivation from the standpoint of the individual himself: his needs and purposes and how he acquires them. In order to increase productivity, Mitsubishi Motors develops new management strategies based on intrinsic motivation. As the most important, they underline manager's role in motivation and commitment. The key to a productivity-motivated workforce is a supervisory style which enhances the workers' proprietorship of their jobs. Management has too often approached the problem negatively, by depriving workers of control in order to forestall stoppages and goldbricking. Mitsubishi Motors pleads for a positive approach, for delegating this control in order to make the satisfactions of self-discipline possible (Scheuer, 2000). The morale changes occurred after men begin to think of themselves as belonging to a group. Part of the bargain is a worker's passive acceptance of any method that management might choose for organizing his work, even if this meant fragmenting his job to the point of tedium and regulating it to the point of puppetry (Scheuer, 2000). As a result, the men feel that they are important rather than taken for granted; each man knows that the group's record would suffer if he slackens, and most are determined not to let this happen. It is important to note that productivity is the goal, and control is merely one of several possible means to achieve it. The way to achieve the greatest profit is to remove the artificial impediments to productivity rather than to impose a regulatory system, no matter how tidy. A consistent record of excellence would then become a matter of personal pride rather than a meaningless exertion for somebody else's gain. The key to linking the individual's most pote nt aspirations to the goals of his company is his membership in a group which participates in its own management -- a group in which the role of the supervisor is changed from that of an enforcer or overseer to that of an expediter, an information giver, and above all an ego supporter. (Robbins, 2002). Security in the past and fear of change are another problems faced by Mitsubishi Motors. The 1990s were marked by technological and information changes, so many workers were afraid of negative consequences of these improvements. For a worker, the principal advantage of the old system is that he knows it well; it is at least predictable and that, for him, is not a small advantage by any means. He will not welcome change, but he is not likely to resist it very much, either. He considers resistance useless, and besides, he expects that in the long run all systems will work out about equally for him. Mitsubishi Motors introduces extensive training programs for assembly workers (off-job and on-job training). Also, the company proposes financial benefits for

Writ ex 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writ ex 1 - Essay Example Secondly, I find the myths concerning this forest unbelievable (James, 2008). However, myths do not illustrate lies. They entail symbolic issues that are communicated by stories. The myths also illustrate art which conveys adequate understanding of the human experience. It is falsehood to illustrate myths as lies. Adequate understanding of the myth concepts ensures appropriate analysis of the overall mythology. Hence, myths cannot be properly addressed without analyzing overall mythology. Myths cannot be separated from mythology. They should be whole or complete, so that the parts work together to ensure the life flow in the myths. Thus the usage of the word ‘myth’ is inappropriate. This shows the ignorance of the individuals and the organizations that misuse the term. But people should not be misused. This because the mythology concept is alive and actively applicable today inform of religion. The only challenge presently is that no single unifying methodology exists. The key religious organizations misuse the term to suit their interests. The multinationals also minimizes the thinking abilities of the individuals (James, 2008). Joseph Campbell illustrates the four key functions of myth. The functions are; metaphysical, pedagogical, cosmological, and finally sociological. The metaphysical function involves analyzing mystery and creation wonders. This enables adequate opening of the mind and also senses to develop awareness for the mystical being that is the origin of the entire phenomena. The cosmological function enables description of the shape of the universe or the entire world. Thus, the cosmos contained in the world becomes alive, with significance. Each and every rock, plant, animal has adequate meaning through the cosmological myth provided by the myth. The sociological function aims at forming ‘the law’. The law guides the moral and the ethical standards of individuals in a particular structure to adhere to. This assists in defining

Monday, August 12, 2019

What is the future of diversity management Essay

What is the future of diversity management - Essay Example Leadership and diversity are among the most discussed topics in scholarly research. The growing diversity of national and international workforce presents a serious challenge for leaders who must develop new approaches for managing diverse employees and using diversity as the source of competitive advantage. Unfortunately, previous research was increasingly concentrated on searching for â€Å"one best way† of leadership in organizations. Put simply, researchers were preoccupied with an idea to find one, universal leadership model, which would be equally effective in all organizational settings. With time, the idea of â€Å"one best way† was gradually replaced with the ideals of contingency leadership, which came to dominate organizational and leadership consciousness in all parts of the world. According to Day (1991), â€Å"implied in the contingency approach to leadership is the need for leaders to be flexible in their choice of leadership style based on the situation † (p.362). Today, contingency exemplifies the key component of diversity management decisions in organizations: a multitude of diversity management models suggests that there can never be a universal solution to diversity management issues. The current state of workplace development suggests that diversity in organizations will continue to persist. The coming years are likely to witness a dramatic shift from diversity management to diversity cultures in organizations, which will serve an essential source of competitive advantage and an instrument of continuous organizational learning in the long run. Literature review Workforce diversity is rightly considered as one of the most popular and controversial topics in contemporary business literature. Globalization and integration of markets and businesses lead to the growing diversity of employees in small organizations and large corporations. Thus, it comes as no surprise that organizations and professionals in organization studi es seek to develop and test new models of leadership and management, which will let organizations utilize their diversity potential to the fullest. It should be noted, that present day organizations are undergoing a dramatic change in diversity philosophies and principles. Today, the scope of diversity management is no longer limited to increasing the share of minorities in the workforce but implies the need to develop and sustain diversity-sensitive organizations (Dreachslin, 2007). In this situation, senior leaders are expected to develop sound commitment to recruiting, retaining, and supporting applicants and candidates that had been previously underrepresented (Dreachslin, 2007). Furthermore, diversity-sensitive ideology in organizations obligate leaders to convince and educate other stakeholders that diversity is the key strategic value and defines the course of long-term development in organizations. Unfortunately, â€Å"the effects of diversity on performance are mixed† (Haas 2010). The factors mediating the relationship between diversity and organizational presentation are numerous and varied. In the meantime, researchers develop and test new models of diversity management and their implications for organizations. The current state of research displays a tendency toward describing and analyzing numerous models of diversity management and their implications for the future of global business. Mitchell and Boyle (2010) tried to create a single, theoretical framework of diversity management and tested a model of leadership, in which diversity management would be closely connected to innovation and creativity, learning, and organizational transformations. The researchers found out that transformational leaders facilitated the creation of knowledge in organizations, leading to increased recognition of diversity and acceptance of diversity management within the staff (Mitchell & Boyle 2010). However, while

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of European Union (EU) as a Essay

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of European Union (EU) as a foreign policy actor - Essay Example f measuring the EU’s external behavior and its policymaking in order to conclude if there is or not an European Foreign Policy, the theoretical interest has been mainly centered in the theoretical capability-expectations gap and in categorizing and defining not the EFP but the EU’s international role. It is only lately that some studies have pointed out the relevance and the need of a Foreign Policy Approach (FPA) to help explain the complex arena of the European Union’s Foreign Policy. To adapt FPA to the European Union, an original and unique political organization, poses no insuperable problems. The difficulty is to apply an FPA approach to â€Å"European Foreign Policy†. In my view the concept of â€Å"European Foreign Policy† is the problem. For some analysts EFP is synonymous with EU’s Common Foreign and Security policy (CFSP) which should be differentiated from the European Community external competences (the traditional trade policy and the new development policy complementary to those of the Member States). Recently Hill (2002: 2-3) employs the term â€Å"European Foreign Policy† to the ensemble of the international activities of the European Union alone, not only CFSP activities but also including outputs from the other two EU’s pillars, considered as a â€Å"mass of activity† which cannot be pretended to be in itself coherent. Others find the former definition to restrictive and consider that EFP takes three forms: member states Foreign Policy, Community external relations and Union’s CFSP. In this context EFP is understood as a system of external relations or a Foreign Policy system where these three strands can be differentiated for analytical purpose. Although these perspectives stress that a key research task for the analyst is to establish the extent to which these forms have become interwoven over time, the fact is that this notion of EFP emphasizes the distinct sets of activity more than their interaction. These definitions of EFP tend

Saturday, August 10, 2019

International Accounting Standards Board Deliberations Research Paper

International Accounting Standards Board Deliberations - Research Paper Example In terms of the history of accounting information, Macve theorized that the accounting of business transactions during the Greek and Roman period and contradictions to the conceptual framework of accounting were easy overshadowed (Macve 1994; 57). Accounting had grown in popularity during the medieval and modern times (Macve 1994). The compulsory implementation of the International Accounting standards –based conceptual framework of accounting enhances the preparation and communication of accounting reports. FASB and IASB published Conceptual frameworks as guides for the preparation of financial reports. The WorldCom, Enron, and other accounting scandals have precipitated to the U.S. Sarbanes Oxley Act. Presently, there is a move to harmonise the U.S. conceptual framework and the U.K. conceptual framework (King 2006). Interested parties contribute their inputs to increase the ease in formulating the conceptual framework of accounting. A conceptual framework serves as a guide in the preparation of accounting report. Likewise, Godfrey emphasized that one of the advantages of incorporating the conceptual framework of accounting is the successful transfer of information to the interested parties to improve the globalization of business organizations (Jayne Godfrey 2007). GAAP and the international accounting standards. The purpose of the synchronization is to have a single set of accounting standards. The single set of accounting standards would increase communication and feedback. The users of the financial statements should receive the information from the preparers in crystal –clear fashion. The best to ensure the vividness is to have only one conceptual framework of accounting. In November 2009, the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the London –based International Accounting Standards Board or (IASB) confirmed their desire to rush the convergence. A third progress report was

Friday, August 9, 2019

Don't have a topic choice one Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Don't have a topic choice one - Research Paper Example Despite the fact that various developments are considered to have taken place, some groups remained assertive that further action is needed to resolve gender issues. In some cases, media has been arguably blamed for frustrating the gender mainstreaming process as much as it is expected to play a pivotal role. This paper proposes a study to assess the role of media in reconciling gender issues, such as in terms of women representation and content inclusivity. Problem Statement Various developments have taken course regarding the gender issues. Some of the developments have pertained to media. Whereas some articles have pointed out that there are still problems within the media in supporting gender mainstreaming, there are those that insist media has made various developments in fostering gender mainstreaming. The question is then how these could be effectively ascertained. Importance of the Research Policymakers are concerned about the state of gender mainstreaming and the need to rea lize equality for all persons. This study would go a long way in informing the policy makers about the situation. This will in turn help formulate appropriate measures to address the problem. If the results would present the media positively, it would form a basis for the society to celebrate the achievements. Hypothesis H1: Media has responded positively to the requirements of gender mainstreaming. H2: Media has not aligned gender representation. H3: Media has not assured women about the inclusivity of content. Variables There are two variables that would be given uttermost considerations. These are media representation of media and inclusivity of media content regarding gender, as far as gender sensitivity is concerned. Aims of the Study 1. To find out the state of treatment of gender subject in the media. 2. To find out the state of women representation in the media. 3. To ascertain the state of content inclusivity with regard to media. 4. To suggest the need to take measures. Ba ckground and Literature review The subject of gender issues is traced to a period that was characterized by gender movement in Western society. This was in response to various discrimination policies. In America, women did not vote, access education, or even engage in politics. Rampant incidences of sexual violence directed at women were not uncommon. Worse still, women were always the main victims of domestic violence. Women were looked down upon and discriminated in all areas of life. However, the evolution of the world was accompanied by various changes pertaining to women rights owing to emergence of women rights movement so that there were various developments between 1900 and 1970 (Stratigaki, 2005). With several years down the line, it is expected that a lot of developments have taken place. As far as media and gender issues are concerned, literary works on gender issues are well documented. The United Nation Platform for Action (1996) singled out the portrayal of women in me dia as that marred with stereotypes, further singling out that women possessed limited access to the creation of the products of the media, as well as in making decisions pertaining to media and culture. Woodward (2003) defines gender mainstreaming as the process where the public policy gender element is recognized and incorporated into gender dimensions in policy provision. Gender mainstreaming is characterized by a set of three essential elements, which include equal

Thursday, August 8, 2019

First Degree Murder Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

First Degree Murder Overview - Essay Example On that point, the degree of murder entails the whether the murder was carried out directly or indirectly. On the contrary, in this particular paper we delve into the study of the first degree murder in detail for instance the factors that fuel murder among other issues. In addition to that, the subsequent section will serve to analyse the criminal laws pertaining to the first degree murder. First and foremost, first degree murder can be defined as the killing of an individual unlawfully which may be both out of will or premeditated. Apparently, most countries in the world follow the concept of felony murder. On that note, the perpetrator of the act are usually categorised as arson, burglary, kidnapping, rape and robbery. Notably, in a bid to solve the cases pertaining to the first degree murder, it is essential to study some of the key elements that serve to describe the case. Firstly, the elements are wilfulness, premeditation and deliberation. Moreover, this may differ from one country to the other. On that note, some countries may also include malice aforethought in the elements of these kinds of cases. Furthermore, in some cases the case is usually declared as a first degree murder without the need to look into the intention and deliberation of the perpetrator. In contradiction, in some state, murder cases are not usually categorised based on degrees but classify t hem based on priorities given to the case, in other words top level murder crime among other. Evidently, since intent has been named as one of the elements of first order crime, we are going to elaborate on the fact. Apparently, this is the willingness of the murderer to end another person’s life. Notably, a case is usually classified as a first degree murder case, if the perpetrator had beyond reasonable doubt intent to end the victim’s life. It is worth noting that, even if the murderer mistakenly murdered another

MARKETING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words - 1

MARKETING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION - Essay Example Thus the firm decided to concentrate on the main business and divested other businesses (McDonalds 2009). McDonalds mainly sells hamburgers, cheese burgers, French fries, chicken products, soft drinks, milk shakes, breakfast and desserts etc. McDonalds also focuses on children and has Happy Meal for children/ most restaurants also have play areas for them. Lately as McDonalds explores new markets, it has started to localize its products like MahaRaja etc in India (McDonalds 2008). However, we have localized 75% in India 33% in Asian countries and less than 5% in other countries which indicates that there is a lot of localization that McDonalds has to incorporate in its product ranges throughout the world (Pollard 2008). McDonalds is also facing health related issues where it is said to be causing obesity amongst the younger generation and is thus losing existing health conscious customer and non customers to the competitors’ healthier options (Pollard 2008). McDonalds, according to (David 2003) has been observing falling sales figures. Upon researching it was found that the consumers now have changing needs and are demanding products and services that cater to their tastes and preferences. According to (Forster 2002) McDonalds offers most products that are standardized with minor alterations in the product range to localize them, consumers are now switching to other brands. The competition, argues David (2003) is increasing as innovative products and services are now in the market. Thus we need to understand which products are liked in the market by the consumers and non-consumers. This is essential to know so that the existing products and services may be improved to suit the varied needs of the consumers and non-consumers across the globe. At the same time, new products and services may be developed to build the brand loyalty of existing customer and to cater to